Wednesday, May 12, 2010

I was tagged by White Magpie to do the following tag.

THE "IF" Tag

If I were a month.....I would have to pick the month of JUne.because it is the month of my birth, the first day of summer starts in June and also, most schools close in June so it is often a vacation month.

If I were a day of the week....I would have to pick Friday.I always loved Friday just because it was the end of the week,when I was a child I loved fridays because ther was no school on saturday.Now I am glad because "j" will be home on saturday.

If I were a time of day....It would have to be 5.30 am because it is the time that "J"wakes me up,its the time of day that we have coffee together and have some quality time.

If I were a season....I would be winter because without it there would be no spring.

If I were a planet....I would be earth.nothing comes close to the planet earth with all its beauty and life.

If I were a sea animal...I would be a dolphin.I think they are cute and harmless

If I were a direction....I would be East for obvious reasons.

If I were a piece of furniture....I would be a bed because when my back hurts too much I find refuge in my bed.

If I were a liquid.....It would have to be water.No life without water.

If I were a tree....I would be an Oak because it is big and strong.

If I were a tool....I would be a wood cutter because you can carve out many shapes and build so many things.

If I were an element....Being a woman it would have to be Gold.

If I were a gemstone......A diamond indeed,

If I were a musical instrument....I would be a flute.I love the beautiful sound of the flute,it is very peaceful.

If I were a color.....
It would have to be blue, because I love the blue skies.

If I were a emotion.....It would have to be Joy.

If I were a fruit...It would have to be a Mango.Because I love mangoes

If I were a sound...
It would have to be the sound of Music, because music soothes the soul.

If I were a car.....
it would have to be a BMW because I think it is a cool car to drive.

If I were owuld have to be rice, because I love rice and I think it is a food widely available and feeds a lot of people, the rich and the poor.

If I were a taste.....It would have to be sweet.I have a sweet tooth and love sweets

If I were a scent....
It would have to be Jasmine.I love the smell of jasmine

If I were a pair of shoes.....It would have to be a pair of leather shoes with a soft sole.

If I were a bird....It would have to be an eagle,to soar across the skies .

I am going to tag Priya and Deepa and Renu


FH 10:22 AM  

Great MeMe to read and enjoy, Ms.Diamond! :))

krystyna 3:00 PM  

Thank you for sharing!
Now I know more about your beautiful soul.

Take care and be happy!

~*. D E E P A .* ~ 7:54 AM  

This was fun .. you come across as an Indian really missing home !

Shall do your tag soon ... :)

starry 9:02 AM  

Thanks ash.

starry 9:03 AM  


starry 9:03 AM are right on the button,I am missing home.

Priya 9:59 AM  

Nice Meme Starry. Will take the tag sure;))

Anya 11:19 AM  

Funny tag :
Nice to know more about you :-)

Have a relaxing weekend
Kareltje & Anya

Renu 10:10 PM  

This was really good and so many answers are like me..even I like blue color, joy winter etc.

Thanks for tagging me, will do it very soon.

Dawn 9:32 AM  

WOW! dear ...I loved everything that you shared...if you were... :)
Nice thoughts that tells a lot about your personality too :)

Keep rocking

starry 9:25 PM  

Thanks priya.looking forward to reading your answers.

starry 9:25 PM  


starry 9:26 PM  

renu..thats interesting that we like many of the same things.

Neha 2:05 AM  

Nice...I love doing tags, and reading people's gets to know ore about them. Had a good timing reading yours.

Anonymous,  2:24 AM  

Cool list! Nice to know you :-)

Lena 10:10 AM  

I like your explanation why you would want to be winter. This tag is indeed fun :)

White Magpie 2:09 AM  

Finally. I thought you were lazing around and came on to scold you :)

I especially liked your time of the day piece. And when is your bday? Cancerian right?

Jeevan 4:07 AM  

nice reading! its short and sweet :)

starry 6:30 PM  

Thanks Magpie..Yeah I am a cancerian June 28.

starry 6:30 PM  

Jeevan..thank you

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